The team
Olivier Dezutter is a full professor and French didactics specialist in the Pedagogy Department at Sherbrooke University. The Radar L2 project reaches his interest in teaching and learning second languages. He has initiated and is responsible of the French as a second language microprogram. He is also conducting research on links to be made between languages in and outside of school. His useful collaboration with Bishop’s University and Simon Fraser University have led to the development of the important branch “continuity between languages” in Collectif CLÉ, of which he is the founder and codirector alongside the Prof. Martin Lépine.
Sunny Man Chu Lau is an associate professor in the School of Education at Bishop’s University. Before coming to Bishop’s, she worked with the York Catholic District School Board in Toronto in TESL teacher preparation and in the teacher education programs at the University of Toronto. As a long-time ESL teacher/educator, she has designed and delivered curricula with specific purposes for English language learners across all levels, both overseas and in Canada. Specializing in second language education, she teaches mainly in the program of the BA Double Major in English Second Language Teaching and Secondary Education. As a Collectif CLÉ member, she is actively involved in significant partnerships between institutions.
Julie Babin is a research professional and French didactics specialist at Sherbrooke University. She has taught French as a second language to adults and is interesting in the teaching and learning of French in diverse contexts. She has joined Radar L2 as a coordinator to rally the strengths of all team members and to contribute to the development of a platform that offers relevant contents. She was a high school teacher for nearly 10 years and has a good understanding of teacher needs.
Alexandre Mesquita is a lecturer and English as a second language didactics specialist at Sherbrooke University. He has many years of experience as a lecturer, and as an ESL teacher at the primary and secondary levels. He is now a researcher in the domain of teaching ESL which he can add to his expertise that has allowed him to assemble a wide array of English or foreign language resources to make available through the Radar L2 platform.
Sereywathna Soung is a lecturer and French didactics specialist at Sherbrooke University. She teaches didactics in a 2nd cycle microprogram in teaching French as a second language in diverse educational contexts. She has collaborated to the Radar L2 project as a research professional to regroup didactic resources relevant to teaching and learning French as a second language.
Paula Arancibia Erazo is working on obtaining a master’s degree in education at Sherbrooke University. She is also a research assistant at the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE). She taught English as a foreign language to secondary level students and to educated adults in Chile for many years and she built EFL curricula in agreement with the universal conception of learning. As a research assistant, she has contributed to the Radar L2 project by identifying online resources that could be useful to teachers and learners of English as a second language.